Upcoming Novels


Murder, Corruption, Organized Crime, Illegal Business Practices. Marion Paris was once a best selling author. However, Marion has not written a best seller in over 15 years. He believes he has one in the works when a former FBI agent wants to meet with him and provide information about a KKK faction in Arkansas he infiltrated to find why a former FBI infiltrator was killed. But the former FBI agent dies in an automobile accident on his way to meet Marion. Marion has reason to believe the former agent was murdered.

At the same time, another man finds out that Marion is returning to his hometown to write this book about the former FBI informant. He contacts Marion to get him to write a book on his brother’s experience in the Mafia. Those revelations, however, may implicate some “respectable” citizens. The ‘brother’ also stole $2 million from the mafia, and wants Marion to give it back to them. The man wants Marion to pronounce his brother dead in his book so the mob will stop looking for him.

In both cases, the people involved want to eliminate Marion. Does Marion solve the crimes, or just try to save himself?

This is the first of the Best Seller series, with Marion Paris, the unintentional sleuth, who finds himself involved in solving crimes.


Murder, Greed. Blackmail, Fraud, Twisted Romance. A good book with the old New Orleans backdrop before hurricane Katrina. Pam McShan is a beautiful and aspiring CPA moving up the ladder at her CPA firm. The firm is about to promote her to a partner in the firm because of her good work. The CEO of the firm assigns her to audit their biggest client, First Cajun Bank.

Pam finds fraud at the bank. Prominent banking executives lose their jobs. The New Orleans newspaper writes a story about the scheme, and prints the story in Pam’s hometown newspaper. Pam’s boss is murdered. Some characters from Pam’s past that she had left behind come back into her life, and Pam’s world is suddenly turned upside down.

Checkered Past II ©

Pam McShan has moved up the ranks of her firm Duncan, Monroe, and McShan CPAs in New Orleans. The firm has grown to become the largest CPA firm in the Southeast.

The firms reputation has caught the interest of the CEO of the MacBache Corporation. He asks Pam to audit MacBache because he wants a new CPA firm to evaluate their company.

See what happens when the characters from Checkered Past and Best Seller come across each other in fortunate and unfortunate circumstances. Pam gets more than she bargained for when she accepts the MacBache audit.


Addiction, Corruption, Murder, Romance. Mike Lassiter is a young doctor in Birmingham, Alabama. Mike is also a sex addict. He loves his job, but loves his free time even better. He works at the VA hospital because he wants more free hours than the time involved in private practice would allow. Mike has a special “talents” when it comes to loving women. He devotes most of his spare time working on his talent. When law enforcement closes down his favorite place for picking up women, he begins to feel that Birmingham is too conservative for him.

Mike decides to move to California, where he believes he will find more freedom to explore his sexual obsession. However, one of Mike’s sexual adventures with a prominent San Francisco socialite leads to her murder, and Mike is charged with the crime. He is convicted and goes to prison, where the judge sentences him to spend his first six months in a women’s prison. As part of the judge’s rehab and punishment process, he orders that Mike not be allowed to interact or eat with the women, just see women he cannot have.

However, Mike finds out that the prison has its own rules. When there is a murder in the prison, Mike is blamed for the crime. He must work to prove he is innocent of two murders, while also helping a woman he meets in prison prove she did not commit the murder for which she is convicted.


Racism, Murder, Corruption, Fraud. Socioeconomic and political cultures collide when Rob Lowery, a wealthy college graduate from a rich area of north Cleveland, Ohio decides to go to work for his father in the investment and real estate business. Part of Rob’s job is to oversee the company’s donations to charitable organizations. One of those organizations is in a Cleveland ghetto. Against his father’s wishes, Rob visits the center, and finds the records are not up to date. Rob also meets a city street rapper called 2Quik. Rob and 2Quick forge a relationship as 2Quik introduces Rob to the ways of the streets, while Rob educates the rapper on life and issues on the other side of the fence.

Rob ask 2Quik to help him out at the community center when he finds out 2Quik has a keen insight for numbers. 2Quick has some questions about how some of the numbers are adding up at the center. Before he can get answers, 2Quick is murdered. The locals believe Rob or his father is responsible for 2Quick’s death. Rob’s friends and relatives tell him to get out of the ghetto before he is the next one to be killed. Rob promises 2Quick’s mother that he will find out the cause of 2Quik’s death.


The sport of Jai Alai (Pronounced Hi/ Ah/ Li) was once a very popular sport in America at the turn of the 20th century. The sport waned due to corruption, and other sports becoming more popular for gambling. A group of entrepreneurs and politicians in Miami ban together to bring back the sport. They build a new combination basketball and Jai Alai arena in an effort to bring the Black and Hispanic communities closer together. They also bring Hosea Jorge, the best and most popular Jai Alai player in Europe, to Miami to help reintroduce and repopularize the sport in America.

Their efforts come to the attention of some powerful people in Las Vegas, who want to gain control of the movement.

Jalen Williams, a promising City League basketball player, makes friends with Hosea after they run into each other in the arena. They start hanging out together, and begin teaching each other their sport.

The Vegas syndicate approaches Hosea, and try to bribe, then threaten him to throw some Jai Alai matches. Hosea refuses to go along with their schemes, and is murdered. Jalen witnesses the murder from a dark and distant part of the gym section of the arena. No one knew he was there.

Jalen curiously gets involves in trying to solve the murder and uncovering the cover up when he realizes law enforcement has been paid off to ignore the crime. Jalen decides to get closer to investigate the schemes by becoming a Jai Alai player.


“Überleben” is German for “survival”. This is a historic novel set in 1940’s World War II. American paratroopers are assigned to jump behind enemy lines in eastern France to destroy an underground German command center in western Germany. Two black soldiers are assigned by the President to the unit. After the soldiers set up their camp, the racist commander sends the two black men out on a reconnaissance spy mission to scout the German targets and positions, hoping they will be captured or killed. After they leave, the Germans discover the camp.

When the two paratroopers return, they find the camp destroyed, and all of their fellow soldiers killed. The two men must decided whether to try to carry out the mission, or just try to find a way to get back home.


The city of Stalking, Maine is a thriving port city. Lobster and Halibut fishing is their main industry, which makes the town prosperous and happy. The Russian Mob becomes interested in controlling and siphoning off the wealth of the fishing industry there. They send some people to the town to take over and monopolize the lobster trade, and also use prostitutes to bribe the local officials, and to keep them silent.

At the same time, a serial killer migrates to the city to get away from law enforcement who was closing in on him in Atlanta. He had killed several prostitutes.

A white female social worker of the all white town goes to Chicago on a training seminar. She meets a black war veteran at the seminar. He works at a rehabilitation center, and suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). She falls for him, and he falls for her. She ask him to relocate to her town. He is reluctant to become the first black resident of Stalking, but agrees to her wish.

The town tries to cope, deal with, and resolve rising criminal activities, while trying to adjust and reclaim its peaceful and prosperous lifestyle.


Corruption, Murder, Human Trafficking, Scams. Marion Paris is at it again. Marion plans to retire. He has completed his book on the Arkansas crimes. But representatives of H. Ross, CEO of MacBache, want Marion to cancel plans to write his book about the mafia, and Ross’s dealings with the mob. Those representatives include federal government officials. They want to strike a deal that will pay Marion to not write the book. Marion’s wife wants him to agree and move on, but Marion does not feel great about it.

Marion goes on book signing tours for his new book HOG TIED – MURDER AND A LOVE TRIANGLE IN A SMALL TOWN IN ARKANSAS. A group of four aspiring authors, who formed a book club called The Book Worms, meet Marion at a book reading in Pittsburgh. They seek his advice and possible assistance on how to get their works published. They have experienced lies, fraud, and deceit from publishers. Some publishers have given them fake addresses. Some have taken their money and disappeared. Some stole their work. Some started helping them, but then stopped. Some produced work too bad to be published. Some stopped returning their phone calls and emails. Some even pretended to be good Christians to gain their author’s trust. But at every turn, the publishers did not deliver as promised. The group has horror stories of their publishing experiences.

At first, Marion just advises them this is part of the writing process, and they should just be patient and persistent. But as Marion learns more about the group and their various experiences, backgrounds, plans, and connections, he becomes more interested. He learns that one of the writers, Roger Holt, is researching a book on big business criminal activities, and that his book includes large companies who have a system of providing escorts, including underage escorts, to government officials in Washington D.C. and that one of those companies that may be involved with human trafficking is MacBache.

Marion decides to work with Roger and his friends. He wants Roger to find out if H. Ross is involved with human trafficking, while he writes a book for them about the scams, deceit, and misrepresentation in the publishing industry.


Corruption, Murder, Cover-ups. Randy and his wife Donna love going to Monday night bible study at the county jail in Mishap, Alabama. Mishap is a city of about 10,000 people sitting on the Alabama-Florida line.

Randy and Donna believe their calling is to lead the incarcerated to the Lord, and help change the lives of those in jail. Randy develops a special bond with a prisoner named Cornelius, who everyone calls Corn. Corn claims he did not kill his girlfriend, for which he is incarcerated. He tries to get Randy to help him prove his innocence by trying to get Randy to take notes and messages to people on the outside, which is against prison rules.

The town’s life routine is disrupted when a tornado rips through Mishap, destroying the town, including the jail. Several inmates escape the destroyed facility. Law enforcement, including the FBI, try to capture the escapees. Most of the prisoners are found within three days. But law enforcement cannot find Corn.

Corn goes on the run, as an expanded manhunt begins. He contacts Randy, and tries to get Randy to help him to prove his innocence, and expose the corruption of law enforcement before he returns to jail.


Will Marion Paris Ever Retire?

Just Killing Time Killing Time

Murder, Deceit, Corruption, Double Lives. A firefighter, a preacher, and a business owner all live on the same street with a serial killer? They know about the crimes the killer committed. But do they know the killer?


What does the N stand for? Does it mean the end of time? Does it mean just in time? Is it the N word? Or another n word? Could it be..Nuclear? Take time to check out this psychological thriller.